Jammu and Kashmir weather update for next 5 days

J&K Weather - Independent Weather Forecast Network
Loran Mandi, Poonch

*Weather Update for the Next 120 hrs*

29 March:Possibility of a short thundershower at a few places in Jammu and Kashmir towards late afternoon/evening.

30 March:Possibility of a short thundershower at many places in Kashmir and a few places in Jammu region, between afternoon and night.3

1 March:Possibility of widespread rain and thundershowers. However, no continuous rainfall is expected, and intensity will generally vary between light and moderate.Snowfall can occur in higher reaches.

01 April:Light to moderate rainfall is expected at most places in Jammu and Kashmir.Snowfall can occur in higher reaches.

02 April:Improvement in weather is expected with the possibility of showers in a few areas.

● As of now, the peak activity of the weather system is possible around 01 April.●

Another Western Disturbance is possible from 03 April onwards.

● Note: Variations in the forecast are possible, and it will be updated every day accordingly.

Regards: Kashmir Weather ( Faizan Arif)

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By J&K Weather Independent Weather Forecast Network
J&K Weather is an independent weather forecast network which forecast mainly for Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
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