Latest Weather forecast for Jammu & Kashmir

J&K Weather - Independent Weather Forecast Network

Currently moderately snowing over the upper reaches of Jammu & Kashmir and Lightly raining in the lower areas. Gulmarg receive 5 inches fresh snowfall till now. Other higher reaches of J&K UT recorded 5″ to 1.5 feet fresh snowfall during this spell. During the late afternoon hours snow expected over many plains of Kashmir valley. Srinagar city may receive 5″ to 10″ Snow during this spell as of now. Erratic weather conditions prevails in Jammu & Kashmir till 13 January. Improvement in weather expected from 13 January evening/ night hours.

Regards J&K Weather

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By J&K Weather Independent Weather Forecast Network
J&K Weather is an independent weather forecast network which forecast mainly for Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
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