woman in blue jacket and blue backpack sitting on rock near snow covered mountain during daytime

Jammu & Kashmir Weather Update For Next 24 Hours

Dry weather Expected till Saturday, Snow, Rain Predicted from Sunday - 17 February

Danish Hussain Shah - Editor in Chief
Photo by Kunal Goswami

During the next 24 Hours mainly Dry and Pleasant Weather Expected In Jammu and Kashmir. There is no Forecast For any kind of Precepitation in J&K.

Overall nothing significant expected in J&K till 17 February, Thereafter under the influence of upcoming Western Disturbances fairly Widespread Light to slightly Moderate Rain and Thundershowers Expected in J&K.

Heavy Precepitation also expected over Some places of J&K due to strong WD. The full details on these Western Disturbances are already shared on website scroll down to check the details.

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By Danish Hussain Shah Editor in Chief
Danish Hussain Shah is an independent weather forecaster and Editor in Chief of J&K Weather.
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